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Obedience running order
Test C, Test A, Novice and Special Beginners, Test B will start after the completion of Special Beginners
Test C, Test B, Test A and Novice. Special Beginners will follow Test B.
- Working trials (UD, WD, TD) to be held in Christchurch
Friday 30th March
- Registrations open from 2.00pm
- CGC foundation and bronze assessments
- Official welcome at 6.00pm
Saturday 31st March
- Championship obedience tests
- Rally-O championship events
- CGC foundation and bronze assessments
- Junior Dog Training events
- CD trial
- Evening function: 6.00pm - buffet meal, onsite at RDA Centre
Sunday 1st April
- Championship obedience tests
- Rally-O championship events
- CGC silver and gold assessments
- CD silver and CD gold trials
- Evening function: ‘Easter theme’ 6.30pm - Buffet meal and music, Twiggers, Addington Raceway
Monday 2nd April
- Inter-region obedience and rally teams competitions
- Farewell